Finding Gratitude Everyday

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Happy Tuesday lovelies!

Have you heard of gratitude journaling? I was introduced to it when I was gifted the book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. Once I started to consistently add journaling to my morning routine, I saw what a positive start to the day it was. Way better than rolling over to check my emails on my phone.

Basically, you keep a journal next to your bed and start the morning off listing what you are grateful for. It helps bring to light what you already have right in front of you. I think it’s easy to strive for future goals and think we don’t have enough already. There are many great prompts and articles online about gratitude journaling. If you are new to the concept this video is one I discovered and helped me along the way.

This morning a friend on Facebook shared a page out of her good friend’s gratitude journal and I loved the perspective of how she turned what we would normally consider a negative into a positive.

Sometimes it’s easy to forget just how good we have it even with the most mundane chores.

Entering into this week of Thanks I thought I would take a crack at putting a spin on some of the tasks that can be perceived as not so fun in my life.

Here is what I am GRATEFUL for:

  1. Early wake-ups = a child to love
  2. House to clean = a safe place to live
  3. Dishes to wash = food to eat
  4. Toilets to scrub = indoor plumbing
  5. Laundry to-do = clothes to wear
  6. Grocery shopping = $ to provide for us
  7. Phone calls to return = people in my life
  8. Endless toddler questions to answer = a curious growing mind
  9. Emails to write = all of you who listen
  10. Sore and Tired = I’m still alive!

I wish you all a beautiful week ahead and would love to know what are 3 things you are most grateful for?

